Carter – Advanced WooCommerce Cart for Elementor


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is an advanced WooCommerce cart plugin designed specifically for use with the Elementor page builder. With its powerful features and seamless integration, Carter enhances the shopping experience on your WooCommerce-powered website, allowing you to create dynamic and user-friendly cart layouts with ease.

Key Features:

  1. Elementor Integration: Carter seamlessly integrates with the Elementor page builder, giving you complete control over the design and layout of your WooCommerce cart. You can leverage Elementor’s drag-and-drop interface and styling options to customize the appearance of your cart and create a unique shopping experience.
  2. Dynamic Cart Layouts: The plugin offers a variety of pre-designed cart templates and layouts that you can choose from or customize according to your brand’s aesthetic. These layouts include different styles, column configurations, and cart item arrangements, allowing you to create a cart design that matches your website’s overall look and feel.
  3. Product Thumbnail Customization: Carter enables you to customize the appearance of product thumbnails in the cart. You can choose from various thumbnail sizes, shapes, and hover effects to enhance the visual appeal of your products and create a cohesive design across your website.
  4. Cart Styling Options: The plugin provides extensive styling options for your cart elements, such as buttons, quantity selectors, subtotal displays, and more. You can customize colors, typography, borders, and other visual elements to match your website’s branding and design preferences.
  5. AJAX Cart Updates: Carter incorporates AJAX technology to enable smooth and dynamic cart updates without requiring page refreshes. Users can add or remove items from the cart, update quantities, and see the updated totals instantly, enhancing the overall user experience and reducing friction during the shopping process.
  6. Cart Drawer or Page Display: You have the flexibility to choose how the cart is displayed on your website. Carter allows you to either show the cart as a convenient slide-out drawer or as a dedicated cart page, depending on your preference and website design.
  7. Mobile-Friendly Design: The plugin ensures that your cart is fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices. It provides options to customize the cart layout specifically for mobile screens, ensuring a seamless and intuitive shopping experience for your mobile users.
  8. Cart Totals and Discounts: Carter displays clear and detailed cart totals, including the subtotal, shipping costs, taxes, and any applied discounts. Users can easily see the breakdown of their order before proceeding to checkout, enhancing transparency and minimizing surprises during the purchasing process.
  9. Integration with WooCommerce Features: Carter seamlessly integrates with various WooCommerce functionalities, such as coupon codes, shipping options, and payment gateways. This ensures that your cart functions smoothly with the core features of WooCommerce and maintains compatibility with other WooCommerce extensions and plugins.
  10. Performance Optimization: The plugin is designed with performance in mind, ensuring that your cart loads quickly and efficiently. Carter follows best practices for code optimization and minimizes unnecessary script and style loading, contributing to a fast and smooth shopping experience for your customers.

Enhance your WooCommerce cart design and functionality with Carter. With its Elementor integration, dynamic cart layouts, AJAX updates, and customizable styling options, Carter provides a seamless and visually appealing shopping experience for your customers. Elevate your e-commerce website with an advanced cart solution that combines the power of WooCommerce and Elementor.

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  • Last Updated

    July 16, 2024

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