JetBooking – Booking functionality for Elementor


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is an advanced WordPress plugin designed to add powerful booking functionality to your website, specifically for websites built with the Elementor page builder. It seamlessly integrates with Elementor, enabling you to create and manage booking systems, reservations, and appointments for various types of businesses or services.

Key Features:

  1. Easy Integration with Elementor: JetBooking is built to work seamlessly with Elementor, allowing you to create stunning booking and reservation pages using the Elementor visual editor. It offers a wide range of widgets and elements that you can easily drag and drop onto your pages.
  2. Booking and Appointment Management: With JetBooking, you can manage bookings and appointments effortlessly. Set up time slots, availability, and pricing options for your services, giving your customers a smooth booking experience.
  3. Multiple Booking Types: The plugin supports various booking types, such as hotel room bookings, restaurant table reservations, event registrations, rental bookings, and more. It is versatile enough to suit various industries and businesses.
  4. Smart Filters and Sorting: JetBooking comes with advanced filtering and sorting options, allowing customers to find the available bookings based on their preferences, such as date, location, price, or other custom criteria.
  5. Availability Calendar: The plugin provides an interactive availability calendar that displays the booked and available time slots, making it easy for customers to choose a suitable time for their booking.
  6. Customizable Booking Forms: JetBooking offers flexible booking form templates that you can customize according to your requirements. You can add or remove fields to capture the necessary information from customers during the booking process.
  7. Integration with Payment Gateways: The plugin seamlessly integrates with popular payment gateways, enabling secure and hassle-free online payments for bookings.
  8. Email Notifications: JetBooking can send automated email notifications to customers upon successful booking, as well as to administrators and service providers, keeping everyone informed about the booking details.
  9. Multi-Language Support: The plugin supports multiple languages, allowing you to cater to an international audience and create multilingual booking systems.
  10. Mobile Responsiveness: JetBooking ensures that the booking forms and calendars are fully responsive and optimized for various devices, providing a consistent user experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  11. Import and Export Bookings: You can easily import and export booking data, making it convenient to manage bookings and integrate them with external systems.
  12. Extensive Documentation and Support: JetBooking comes with comprehensive documentation and dedicated customer support, helping you set up and customize your booking functionality.

In summary, JetBooking is a powerful and user-friendly plugin that adds booking functionality to Elementor-powered websites. It streamlines the booking process for customers and simplifies booking management for businesses, making it an ideal solution for service-based businesses, event organizers, rental companies, and more.

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  • Last Updated

    March 5, 2024

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