PublishPress Planner Pro


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is a premium WordPress plugin that provides advanced editorial calendar and scheduling features for managing and organizing your content creation process. With its robust capabilities and intuitive interface, PublishPress Planner Pro streamlines your editorial workflow and helps you plan, schedule, and collaborate on content effectively.

Key Features:

  1. Editorial Calendar: The plugin offers a comprehensive editorial calendar that provides a visual overview of your content schedule. You can view and manage all your planned and published content in a single interface, making it easy to track deadlines, plan future content, and ensure a consistent publishing schedule.
  2. Drag-and-Drop Scheduling: PublishPress Planner Pro allows you to easily schedule your content by dragging and dropping posts onto the calendar. You can set specific dates and times for publishing, reschedule content as needed, and efficiently manage your content calendar.
  3. Custom Statuses and Workflow: The plugin enables you to define custom statuses and workflow stages for your content. You can create customized statuses like “Draft,” “In Review,” “Scheduled,” or any other stages specific to your editorial process. This helps you track the progress of each piece of content and maintain a clear overview of its status.
  4. Content Collaboration and Notifications: PublishPress Planner Pro facilitates collaboration among team members by providing a commenting system and notifications. You can leave comments, feedback, or notes directly on the calendar or individual content items, ensuring efficient communication and collaboration throughout the content creation process.
  5. Content Templates: The plugin allows you to create content templates for consistent formatting and structure across your content. You can define reusable templates with predefined content, headings, or other elements, saving time and ensuring consistent quality in your published articles.
  6. Content Duplication: PublishPress Planner Pro offers content duplication functionality, enabling you to clone existing posts or pages. You can easily create new content based on templates or repurpose existing content, saving time and maintaining consistency in your publishing workflow.
  7. Advanced Reminders: The plugin includes advanced reminder options to help you stay on top of your publishing schedule. You can set up reminders for upcoming deadlines, scheduled publishing dates, or any other important events related to your content workflow. These reminders can be sent via email, ensuring that you never miss a crucial step in your editorial process.
  8. Custom Post Types Support: PublishPress Planner Pro supports custom post types, allowing you to manage and schedule content beyond regular posts and pages. Whether you have custom post types for products, events, portfolios, or any other content type, the plugin provides seamless integration and scheduling capabilities.
  9. User Permissions and Roles: The plugin offers extensive user permissions and roles management. You can define specific access levels for team members, restrict certain actions or capabilities, and maintain control over who can schedule, publish, or modify content.
  10. Integration with Other PublishPress Plugins: PublishPress Planner Pro integrates seamlessly with other PublishPress plugins, such as PublishPress Checklists, PublishPress Permissions, and PublishPress Capabilities. This allows you to enhance your content management capabilities with additional features like task checklists, advanced user permissions, and more.

With PublishPress Planner Pro v3.11.0, you can effectively manage your editorial workflow and streamline your content creation process. With features like an editorial calendar, drag-and-drop scheduling, custom statuses and workflow, content collaboration, content templates, reminders, content duplication, custom post types support, user permissions and roles, and integration with other PublishPress plugins, PublishPress Planner Pro provides a comprehensive solution for efficient content planning, scheduling, and collaboration. Elevate your editorial process with PublishPress Planner Pro and ensure a well-organized and consistent content publication strategy on your WordPress website.

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  • Last Updated

    March 5, 2024

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